●No sound is produced.
[Check the assembly condition.] Ensure that the switch lever is assembled in the correct position. Ensure that the antenna and cords are connected correctly. Ensure that the battery box connector is firmly inserted into the circuit receptacle. [Check the speaker cone.] The transparent part of the speaker vibrates to produce sound. If this section becomes indented for any reason, such as accidental pushing, a clear sound may not be produced. In the majority of cases, cellophane tape can be used to fix indentation by pulling gently on it. [Ensure that you are using new batteries.] Replace any batteries that have run out of power, taking care to ensure that you insert them in the correct direction. Also note that even if no sound is being produced, battery power will be used whenever the Theremin mini is turned on. Whenever the instrument is not in use, be sure to turn it off and remove the batteries. If the total voltage delivered by the batteries is less than 5.1 V, the sound produced by the instrument may become unstable. In such a case, replace the batteries with a new set. [Check the speaker cords.] If either of the cords has become detached from the speaker, rectify the situation by resoldering. [Check the screws holding the speaker in place.] Ensure that the speaker and its mounting screws are correctly oriented. If the speaker is mounted as shown in the photograph on the right, the thin enameled-copper wire connected to the speaker coil may break. If this should occur, please contact the editorial team for assistance.

●The instrument cannot be tuned properly.
Tuning of the Theremin mini is a delicate procedure. It often helps to turn the tuning stick more gently. Review the tuning-stick tips on supplement instruction English leaflet and try not to rush this important step.
 ※NOTE: All magazine contents are in Japanese. English versions are not available.
●The zero point is unstable even after tuning.
Check the area around the Theremin mini for anything that could be moving. Any electrical item moving nearby the instrument will cause the sound to change. Keep away from all such items when performing tuning. Also, the Theremin mini is particularly susceptible to temperature and humidity changes. Before starting to tune the instrument, allow the circuit to stabilize by letting it stand idle for two or three minutes after being turned on.