
Modified A4/100 pages/On sale October 30, 2009 ●Supplement: 35mm Twin-Lens Reflex Camera
※NOTE: All magazine contents are in Japanese. English versions are not available.
Supplement Troubleshooting |
[35mm Twin-Lens Reflex Camera]
●I can't focus on the subject.
- Check that the lens is installed straight and in the correct direction.
- Move your eye back from the screen plate. If you are too close to the viewfinder, you will not be able to determine if the subject is in focus.
- Check that the screen plate and mirror fixing plate are installed correctly.
- Follow the instructions for fine-tuning the focus on page 95 of the magazine.
●The picture is dark and the color is poor.
- The exposure may be insufficient. Select the appropriate film and aperture while referring to "Use the appropriate aperture and film for better pictures"(See the supplement instruction English leaflet).
- The shutter may not be opening fully. Check the operation of the shutter while referring to "Checking the operation of the shutter" (See the supplement instruction English leaflet).
●The picture is too white.
- Check the negative. If the area around the frame is black, light may be entering the camera. Check that all screws on the body are secured tightly.
- Fogging of the film may occur if it is left unused on the camera for an extended period of time. After loading film in the camera, use up the film as soon as possible. If you must leave the film in the camera, store the camera in a cool, dark location.
●The picture has multiple exposures.
- The counter may not be rotating properly. Adjust the spring position and screw tightness while referring to "Assemble the body side plate (left)" (See the supplement instruction English leaflet).
●The shutter does not open properly.
- Adjust all shutter parts while referring to "Assembling the shutter" (See the supplement instruction English leaflet).
●The counter does not move.
- Adjust the spring position and screw tightness while referring to "Assemble the body side plate (left)" (See the supplement instruction English leaflet).
●The film does not rewind.
- Check that the perforations on the film catch on the sprocket teeth.
- With no film in the camera, check that the film advance knob and film rewind knob rotate lightly.
●A photo development service cannot print my pictures.
- Some photo development services are unable to print pictures that do not have uniform frame sizes. When advancing the film, make sure that the counter stops exactly at the marked position.
- The counter may not be rotating properly. Adjust the spring position and screw tightness while referring to "Assemble the body side plate (left)" (See the supplement instruction English leaflet).
●The picture is blurred.
- Camera shake can easily occur when operating the shutter release lever. See "Basic method of taking a picture with a twins-reflex camera" (See the supplement instruction English leaflet) for tips on how to securely hold the camera. Use of a tripod is recommended when taking pictures of landscapes.